Top tips for getting back into exercise and fitness

Here are some of our pointers to help you get back on track for the festive season, after a few months of summer excess:

1. Don’t be too hard on yourself!

You are not the only one who has fallen off the exercise ‘wagon’! Even top athletes struggle sometimes (and they have world class trainers tipping them out of bed in the morning). Just because you have ‘fallen off the exercise wagon’ so to speak, doesn’t mean you can’t get back on and become an even better version of yourself than before. It just means you have to exercise your willpower and believe it is possible in order to make it happen.

2. Create short term, daily and weekly goals to begin with, and stick to them.

Don’t get overwhelmed or plan to do too much too soon; planning to work out 7 days a week until Christmas isn’t a realistic goal for anyone and will just be a recipe to ‘fall off the exercise wagon’ again! Instead, set yourself smaller, short term goals that are realistic to stick to. For example start off with planning a short 20 or 30 minute walk or run, or book onto a group session at a fixed time once or twice a week and put it into your diary at the start of the week so you know it is upcoming.

In terms of food, halve your portion sizes and chocolate intake if they seem to have grown over summer so you slowly wean yourself off instead of going ‘cold turkey’ in order to ease your body back into the healthier eating habit you previously enjoyed.

Before you know it, you WILL be back on track!

3. Treat yourself!

This always motivates some of us. If you have a fab new pair of gym leggings, or trainers to show off, it will help get you into the mindset of wanting to get your gym gear back on and feel great in it (and no, wearing it to go to the supermarket doesn’t count!)

4. Go to a group training session.

Training with friends and gym buddies is a sure way to get back into the groove. Not only is it fun (and a great socialising tool) but it can also bring out a slight edge in you to push that little bit further than if you were on your own. The personal trainer is able to also monitor your fitness, help you set goals, and help you burn those extra calories that will kick-start your diet and goals in no time.


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